Change Starts with awareness

Helping businesses grow by providing strategic insights on how to leverage renewable energy to increase long term profitability.

The 3 Questions

Sustainability in business is often overlooked because the objectives are often misconstrued. Assuming that the primary objective of a corporation is to increase profitability for shareholders, it is clear why many businesses are hesitant about implementing new systems.

HOWEVER, the implementation of sustainable practices is simply a vehicle to accomplish other business goals, like increasing the efficiency of water or energy to lower operational overhead – thus leading to increased profitability.

The current model for traditional business profitability is linear. We spend money on energy and operations so we can make money… Then we spend more money on energy and operations so we can make more money. While this may be ideal for short term profitability, the potential for long term profitability suffers tremendously.

Implementing sustainable practices completely shifts the objective from short term to long term. The initial investment may be expensive, and granted, it most likely will have a negative effect on profitability in a 1-5 year time frame… BUT from that point on, the growth becomes exponential.

This begs three questions:

1. Does your company plan to stay in business?

2. Does your company value growth?

3. Does your company value the future of its shareholders?

Utilizing Renewables

When discussing renewable energy generation, there are five core resources we typically tend to think of: wind, solar, geothermal, hydro-power, and biomass. Not only are these very broad terms used to encompass a variety of energy generation techniques, but there are also many other viable options.

Your Future Business

Sustainability isn’t just about ethics and doing good by the planet. Evolve in a changing world and use it as an opportunity for tremendous long term growth, massive shareholder success, and improved industry presence and sentiment. Your company may be amazing now, but so were typewriters.

About Me

My name is Dylan Fitzgerald and since I was 14 years old, it has been my goal to take advantage of the opportunities life brings me, never achieve less than I am capable of, learn as much as I possibly can, leave a positive impact on the world by helping at least one person every single day, and live a life driven by passion.

Start With The Basics

You don’t need to know everything about energy to understand renewables, but it is important to understand the basics. My goal here is to provide you with a simple and sufficient foundational understanding of energy so you feel confident and knowledgeable as you navigate the rest of this site. In this section I will explain what energy actually is, the primary forms of energy, and the metrics used to quantify it.